
Be what you want; make it up as you go 

Sharing my projects and experiences with those who appreciate my imperfect journey

P is for Potential

If you ask any teacher or leader from my youth and they will clearly remember that "potential" was my middle name! I was a terribly distracted student with problems completing my assignments on time. Not only did this make me a sub-par student, this problem also carried over into my hobbies too and soon I lacked the confidence to even start anything new. 

Over the years, my mother has taught me to not give up even when things are looking pretty ugly. She is a fearless repair woman and I have learned so much just from watching her. Together we have build a shed from scratch, widened 2 closets, renovated a pop-up camper and installed a vinyl fence, and that's just the beginning of the list! The funny thing is that neither of us had any experience on ANY of those skills/repairs, but we figured it out together by breaking it down into steps.

It took me a long time to get better at finishing projects (and cleaning up properly afterwards), and I am still imperfect with my techniques for sure, but the important thing is to keep trying!

Get going already!

  • Break a project into baby steps
  • Set a timeline for each step so that you don't become overwhelmed or distracted
  • Document your project! You will be proud when you are finished and wish you took pictures



The first step (is hardest of all)...