
Be what you want; make it up as you go 

Sharing my projects and experiences with those who appreciate my imperfect journey

Toilet Paper Tube Wall Art

Toilet Paper Tube Wall Art

So, I'm one of those people that hates to throw anything "perfectly still good" away so I find myself collecting a lot of things that I promise myself that I'll use at a later date...as long as it doesn't take up much space or smell bad, haha!

I've looked up ways to use old toilet paper tubes and have made countless projects with them; one that turned out pretty neat was the toilet paper tube wall art that I displayed in my living room for a few years:




1) Press toilet paper or paper towel tubes flat and make firm creases

2) Cut tubes into 1 inch pieces (or other thickness that you desire)

3) Preheat glue gun and plan out your pattern(s)

4) Use a small amount of glue near the creased end and press to another "petal", hold for a few seconds until glue is firm



  • The hot glue worked the best for me (I tried 2 or 3 other glues but they took too long to firm up or slipped out of position before I drying) and you don't want to use too much or you'll deal with lots of strings to pull & trim off later...unless of course you adore the spider web look ;)
  • It was fastest to glue 2 together and do many sets at a time, then go back and glue multiples together
  • To keep your pattern from becoming crooked (not flush with the wall), I recommend resting the pieces on a (protected) counter-top and gently push together while drying. This also helped me find the pieces that were taller/shorter than the rest so that I could match alike pieces together 
  • Even if some tubes have TP stuck to them, or unraveling you might be able to salvage them by hiding it (depending on where you crease and glue them)
  • I tried to spray paint some of them but it was very difficult to get the color even and on both sides without it getting soggy first. I have seen some tubes that are manufactured with color so that would work nicely. I gave up on the color idea which was OK because the brown went with my decor
  • You could use tubes of different sizes and cut to different thicknesses for a cool multi-dimensional look






#toiletpaperawesomeness #upcycledart #toiletpapertubes #papercreative #creativelife #makesomething #amblingabbey #abbeysambles

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